Investment Criteria


Barton Creek Equity Partners is interested in businesses that fall within the following general parameters:


  • Size: Annual EBITDA of $2 million to $10 million and revenue of $5 million to $50 million
  • Enterprise value: $5 million to $50 million
  • Business type: We have broad business and investment experience but are most interested in manufacturing and business services companies operating in the following industries:


• Aerospace/Defense
• Automotive
• Building Products/Construction/Infrastructure
• Energy (traditional and alternative)
• Environmental
• Food
• Healthcare
• Media/Publishing
• Transportation/Value-Added Distribution


  • Location: Texas, Oklahoma, and the surrounding states
  • Situation: Family-owned or closely-held companies with growth and profitability improvement opportunities, and/or where owners are seeking to achieve personal liquidity goals or generational transfer objectives. We also consider corporate divestitures.